Hello again, yes I have been busy, also practising more re using and recycles things!
Here I use a packaging
to make the shaker with the snowman.
Here the square I use opening the shaker card with the snowman is re use, I stamp the 3 Wiseman. The background is tissue p[aper stamped as well the flower also.
This one is all made from scratches and leftovers, the fireplace is stamp using the back of a packet, the flower is made from tissue paper that came in a present, the hat is made from f/c paper the backside s well the luggage and the clock and compass from acurela papers leftovers, I glue them in a metallic silver paper that was damage with glue. The only thing new is card.
I am sewing! Weeee...I just made a bag a normal one, first you have to learn how to, then I will applied my re use and recycle knowledge you will be seeing it soon!
I have a new link, it is called Creative downloads, there I post free backgrounds and also some techniques I used to do recycled cards and other stuff!
Now no more chatting...here they are!
Enjoy them!
This is made from cardboard painted with acrylic I will use it to create a scrapbook 6x6 inspired by butterflies and vintage. That is another cardboard for my scrapbook. Here I use a packaging
to make the shaker with the snowman.
Enjoy and God blessya all!